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IL COVID – 19 Update #110

By August 3, 2020No Comments


This morning IRMA participated in a meeting with the Cook County Health Department (CCHD). According to the CCHD, the ever increasing number of COVID cases in Cook County are directly related to the 18-29 year old age group.

In order to combat the rise in the COVID cases, Cook County is planning to introduce mitigation measures. According to CCHD the suggested measures are not requirements and will have no enforcement mechanism. For the moment, the measures are merely suggestions to voluntarily comply.

If they continue to see the rise in COVID cases, CCHD will implement enforcement procedures at a later date after providing public notice.

The Cook County Guidance may be found HERE. The guidance will be announced later this evening or tomorrow. The guidance is very similar to Chicago’s current requirements and includes the following measures:

  • Bars, taverns, breweries and other establishments that serve alcohol for on-site consumption without a retail food license are being asked to serve customers outdoors only
  • Restaurants that serve alcohol need to continue to abide by ongoing COVID-19 guidance and existing regulations
  • Maximum party size and table occupancy at restaurants, bars, taverns, and breweries should be reduced to 6 people (indoor or outdoor)
  • Indoor fitness class size should be reduced to a maximum of 10 people
  • Personal service businesses should no longer permit services (shaves, facials) that require the removal of face coverings
  • Residential property managers will be asked to limit guest entry to 6 people per unit to avoid indoor gatherings and parties

In addition, businesses and workplaces should:

  • Institute remote work for high risk individuals and continue to support telework for as many workers as possible
  • Retail establishments should maintain no more than 50% capacity, which is the current recommendation.

Again, for the moment, the aforementioned measures are suggestions and are not requirements. This will change if Cook County continues to see increases in COVID cases.