Preparing for battle, together.
Local Expertise
No one knows Illinois retail law better than IRMA and no one knows the needs of Illinois retailers better than Illinois retailers. When these two groups come together, the retail environment is empowered and improved. Each year the Illinois General Assembly introduces more legislation that affects retail, and it is crucial that the state’s retail community be effectively represented, informed and engaged in decisions that directly impact their bottom line. While federal initiatives may receive more attention, the vast majority of legislative activity takes place at the state level.
Local Action
IRMA benefits Illinois retailers through effective engagement with retailers, the general public, policymakers, and the media regarding the impact legislative and regulatory proposals will have on the success of retail operations. As your voice in the Capitol, Chicago City Hall, Cook County Board Chambers, and regulatory agencies across the state, IRMA closely monitors legislative and regulatory activity, voicing opposition to anti-business proposals and supporting business friendly initiatives. Further, Illinois has a higher passage rate than federal laws, placing a higher emphasis on the need to monitor state laws.