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2025-2026 IRMA Foundation IFRA Scholarship Application

Please enter the full name of the college; no initials please.
If parent is eligible.
List activities in which you have participated (school clubs, student government, publications, varsity or club sports, theater arts, Scouting, etc.). Please indicate highest position held, how many years you've been involved, and the hours per week you spend on the activity.
List community agencies or organizations in which you have participated WITHOUT PAY during the last three years (religious groups, hospital volunteer, cultural activities, outreach programs, etc.). Indicate the total amount of hours in the past three years. Please define any acronyms.
List work experience for last three jobs you have held. Indicate the number of years spent on the job and an approximate number of hours worked each week.
I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information on this application is complete and accurate. Falsification of any information will cause my disqualification from the scholarship competition. I understand it is my responsibility to make sure this application is completed and submitted by the required postmark deadline listed on the application. Furthermore, I understand that if my application is not complete, or if I do not submit my application by the postmark deadline, I may be disqualified from the scholarship competition and may not be considered for a scholarship. This application, upon receipt, becomes the property of the Illinois Food Retailers Association Education Foundation and of Sands and Associates. To comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, I hereby give permission for school officials to release my secondary school record and other requested information, if necessary.
Please type your name.
If applicable
Signature date